No-Scalpel Vasectomy vs Traditional Vasectomy: What to Know

If you are thinking about having a vasectomy in the near future, there are many things to consider. Are you absolutely sure you don’t want any more children? Is your partner in full agreement with your decision? Are you positive you wouldn’t want to be a father if you met a new partner? Beyond those questions, it’s important to understand the type of procedure you would like to have. We are here to break down the differences between a no-scalpel and traditional vasectomy. 

Vasectomy Facts: What to Know

man holding little chalkboard with the word vasectomy written.Just in case you wanted to know, vasectomy is a very reliable outpatient procedure and form of birth control with less than 1% failure. It is safer and less expensive than the other birth control surgery, tubal ligation. Half a million procedures are performed in the United States each year, and it is covered by insurance.

Vasectomy works by preventing sperm from leaving the body through the penis during ejaculation. Let’s learn more.

How a Vasectomy Works

Ejaculation fluid is a mix of sperm from the testicles and seminal fluid from the prostate gland. Sperm moves through the vas deferens. This is a duct that carries the sperm from the testicles to the urethra where it mixes with semen.

In a vasectomy, the vas deferens is disconnected during the procedure and the ends are sealed closed. Although sperm is still produced in the testicles, it cannot leave and become part of the ejaculation fluid. If there is no sperm, there is no risk of pregnancy.

What Happens During a No-Scalpel Vasectomy

Our board-certified urologists numbs the testicles with either a needle or a spray which numbs the area. You may be given something to relax you if needed.

Then the surgeon makes a small puncture in the scrotum and stretches the skin open to reach the vas deferens. The end of the vas deferens will then be cut and closed by a tie or cauterization. No stitches are needed with this type of vasectomy as the skin closes on its own.

What Happens During a Traditional Vasectomy

A local anesthetic will be used to numb the area around the scrotum, and then a needle will inject the anesthetic. You may have medication for anxiety if needed. 

Louisiana Healthcare Associates will make one or two small incisions in the scrotum to reach the vas deferens and cut the end. Similar to a no-scalpel vasectomy, it will be closed by a tie or by cauterization.

The incisions in the scrotum will be closed by stitches.

Advantages of No-Scalpel Vasectomy vs Traditional

There are several advantages of choosing a no-scalpel vasectomy. They include:

  • There is less bruising and swelling
  • Recovery only takes a few days
  • Less invasive
  • Minimal bleeding during the procedure
  • No sutures required
  • Less risk of infection

Talk with Louisiana Healthcare Associates in Covington, LA to see if you may be a candidate for the no-scalpel procedure.

Schedule a Vasectomy Consultation in Covington, LA

Contact Louisiana Healthcare Associates at (985) 892-6811 for a consultation at our urology clinic in Covington, LA if you are considering a vasectomy.

Louisiana Healthcare Associates Urology.

This article has been reviewed by the urology doctors from Louisiana Healthcare Associates Urology Division

Curious if a vasectomy is right for you?
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Sources: No-Scalpel Vasectomy: As Effective as Traditional Vasectomies? (

Different Types of Vasectomy (

Vasectomy – Premier Medical Group (


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