5 Ways Your Urine Is Telling You That Something Is Wrong With Your Body

Are you noticing something abnormal about your urine such as sinking our cloudy urine? Let’s set the record straight right from the beginning, your urine should be pale yellow and clear. Anything else, take note.

Cloudy Urine Means…

You are probably not drinking a sufficient amount of water. Once you become dehydrated your urine gets concentrated and can look cloudy instead of clear. If you drink lots of coffee or carbonated soft drinks, the caffeine can make the same sort of cloudiness occur. So try substituting that afternoon soft drink with water, and maybe drink half caffeinated and half caffeine-free coffee in the A.M.

Cloudy urine could also indicate kidney stones. No one ever forgets the nightmare of having kidney stones, and as the stones move and break up, they can cause your urine to appear cloudy.

Urinary tract bacteria infections will usually make urine appear cloudy. Diabetes, a sexually transmitted infection, or kidney disease will also have this effect.

Too Frequent Urination

If you find yourself spending more time in the bathroom than usual, it could indicate some of the following:

Foul Smelling Urine

Man peeing to toilet bowl in restroom from back

When you notice a foul smell coming from the toilet, it could be something as simple as having asparagus for dinner. About half the population has this common reaction to eating this particular veggie.

Sometimes, a nasty smell can be from a urinary tract infection or a sexually transmitted infection. Pregnancy can often change the smell of urine, but most changes in smell are likely due to new medications, foods, or supplements like Vitamin B6. These common causes are almost always temporary and are not a reason to panic.

To be on the safe side, if an unusual smell does not go away in a day or two, see Louisiana Healthcare Associates Urology Division and get a proper diagnosis, followed by a course of treatment.

Dark Colored Urine

If your urine looks dark brown, this could be a sign of something serious, so see your professional as soon as possible. Most often, dark urine is associated with liver disease or blood in the urine.

Foamy Urine

Foam in the urine is usually not harmful,  but it could mean your diet consists of too much protein. A foamy urine could also indicate a kidney problem. If it happens frequently, see your doctor.

Most changes in urine smell and color are temporary, but sometimes they can indicate an underlying medical condition. An exam and urinalysis will help clear up any questions right away.

Schedule a Urology Appointment Today!

If you notice changes in urine that do not go away in a day or so, contact Louisiana Healthcare Associates Urology especially if accompanied by fever, vomiting, or back pain. To visit our office in Covington call (985) 892-6811 or request an appointment using our secure form.

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